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MacRabbit Espresso 1.1.3

MacRabbit Espresso 1.1.3

Screenshots of MacRabbit Espresso

MacRabbit Espresso Publisher's Description

Espresso. Time for some caffeinated web development.

Your cup of coffee has been the thing that gets you out of bed, the smell of creativity, the taste that makes your day. Now, Espresso delivers something better than a caffeine boost: a web editor with style.

Espresso is not a bunch of apps thrown together. Instead, we looked at the needs of web developers and streamlined their workflow into one gorgeous, focused app. Fast and powerful editing, sleek projects, live preview (we make CSSEdit after all), awesome publishing and extensive synchronization tools. All this, and an amazing extensible core? It's not too good to be true. It's only one download away!

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